2018 marked the 50th anniversary of Stanley Kubrick's science-fiction masterpiece. The Center for Media and Destiny developed two projects that celebrated and explored the existential meanings of the film.
1. 2001: 50 YEARS LATER
Cool takes on the legacy, philosophy, and 21st century relevance of Stanley Kubrock's space film masterpiece. Produced by Brooke Storms and Barry Vacker.
The event's Facebook page: here. Facebook Live recording available at link.
2. Specters of the Monolith
Video homage exploring the meanings of the monolith, as explained in the new book: Specter of the Monolith.
Specters of the Monolith (For the 50th Anniversary of 2001: A Space Odyssey) from The Center for Media and Destiny on Vimeo.
Narrator: Brooke Storms
Editors: Morgan Wood and Christina Betz
Post Production Sound: Colton Weatherston
Writer and Director: Barry Vacker