
Barry Vacker Takes on Doomsday Culture, December 4, 2012

Barry Vacker was featued in The Metro, a regional newspaper in the United States. The story summarized ides from Barry's "End of the World' course and his new book: The End of the World—Again.

Here is a PDF of the story as it appeared in the paper on December 4, 2012. Thanks to journalist Judy Weightman for the very nice story.


Barry Vacker's course featured in Philadelphia Inquirer, November 24, 2012

Barry Vacker's course, "Media, Culture, and the End of the World," was featured in a front page article in the Philadelphia Inquirer (November 24, 2012). Here is a link to the story; for some reason, the link omits some photos of Barry and students in his class. Thanks to journalist Susan Snyder for the nice story; Snyder was a recent winner of the Pulitzer prize.

Since the first publication, the article has been re-published in 20 newspapers in the USA and Mexico.

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