The global media environments are filled with nonstop representations of human, planetary, and cosmic destiny — destinies which are most often portrayed as utopian or profoundly dystopian and apocalyptic. Have you ever wondered whether these destinies are desirable, plausible, or even sane? We have. That's why the mission of the Center for Media and Destiny is threefold.
1. Artistic-Existential Media Theory: We explore media and human destiny from the existential perspective — the destiny of our species on Spaceship Earth in a vast and ancient cosmos. The Center champions the most sane long term destinies for human civilization, which should be grounded in the artistic-philosophical-secular merger of cosmology, ecology, and technology.
One of the greatest science shows ever produced.
2. Universal Meanings: In a culture that rightly celebrates "differences," we also seek the universal meanings embedded in the differences, the shared meanings for humanity as a single species on Spaceship Earth. Thus, we will contribute many new secular ideas for thinking about our destinies: personal and individual, shared and collective, local and global. We think that universal meanings must be accompanied by universal human rights, for all individuals and all peoples--regardless of gender, ethnicity, disability, or sexual orientation.
Ultimately, all of the Center's projects may comprise an utterly futile gesture in seeking a shared and meaningful destiny, but we accept that possiblity. So far, we are pursuing our mission via projects and topics that span art, science, theory, and pop culture. We do this out of wonder, curiosity, and a concern for the big picture: what are we doing, where we are going, and what does it mean?
Perhaps the second greatest space film of all time, right behind 2001: A Space Odyssey.
3. Convey and Collaborate: We convey these ideas via print/electronic media and collaborate with individuals and organizations who share similar values and intellectual ambitions. As listed on the right sidebar, our projects have included books, essays, panels, symposia, and an art exhibit. We also provide sources and links to topical books, films, videos, world's fairs, and other cool sites, also listed in the right sidebar.
We also welcome intellectual contributions — essays, films/videos, artworks — from theorists, artists, writers, scientists, filmmakers, and anyone interested in exploring media and destiny in the cosmos. Since re-thinking our destinies is an individual and collective project, we look forward to future collaborations.
In doing these projects, we will span the unnecessary boundaries that too often separate academia and citizens, critical theory and popular culture. We want the Center for Media and Destiny to be a one-of-a-kind organization and site for ideas about media and human destiny. We invite you to join the journey.