Osei Alleyne and Barry Vacker discuss "media and space" on TV show

Osei Alleyne and Barry Vacker joined Derrick Pitts and Sherri Hope Culver in a discussion of "Media and Representation of Space" on Culver's brainy TV talk show, "Media Inside and Out." The topics included: why should humans go into space, how is space represented in media and film, and what does it mean for humanity?
Click on the above image to view the show.• Culver is the director of the Center for Media and Information Literacy.
• Pitts is the Chief Astronomer at the Franklin Institute (the prestigious Philadelphia-based science museum).
• Alleyne is a PhD student at the University of Pennsylvania and an associate of the Center for Media and Destiny.
• Vacker is an associate professor at Temple University and founder of the Center for Media and Destiny.
The show also featured a clip from Elon Musk, founder of SpaceX, and scenes from various space-related films. The show was produced by students at the Temple Univesity television station: TUTV. Thanks to the Director of TUTV, Paul Gluck. The show first aired on March 4, 2015.
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